姓 名:郑辉庭

性 别:


邮 箱:126邮箱zhenghuitgdut




2009/9-2016/6:广东工业大学   本科生硕士研究生,金属材料工程




2020/11-2021/1:postdoctor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


1.国家自然科学基金青年基金(52201039), 2022-2025,主持




3.中国博士后第71批面上资助科学基金(2022M711190), 2022-2024,主持



[1] Huiting Zheng, Ruirun Chen*, Gang Qin Xinzhong Li, Yanqing Su, Hongsheng Ding, Jingjie Guo, Hengzhi Fu. Microstructure evolution, Cu segregation and tensile properties of CoCrFeNiCu high entropy alloy during directional solidification. Journal of Materials Science and Technology. 38 (2020) 19–27

[2] Huiting Zheng, Ruirun Chen*, Gang Qin,Xinzhong Li, Yanqing Su, Hongsheng Ding, Jingjie Guo, Hengzhi Fu. Phase separation of AlCoCrFeNi2.1 eutectic high-entropy alloy during directional solidification and their effect on tensile properties, Intermetallics, 113 (2019) 106569

[3] Huiting Zheng*, Yuanhang Jiang, Fei Liu, Haidong Zhao, Synergistic effect of externally solidified crystals and Fe-rich intermetallic on the fracture behavior of HPDC alloy, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 27(2023) 2822-2832

[4] Fei Liu, Haidong Zhao, Bo Chen*, Huiting Zheng*, Investigation on microstructure heterogeneity of the HPDC AlSiMgMnCu alloy through 3D electron microscopy. Materials & Design 218 (2022) 110679

[5] Y.Z. Wang, N. Gao, X.W. Liu, W.M. Chen*, H.T. Zheng*, The oxidation behavior of a ductile Hf0.5Nb0.5Ta0.5Ti1.5Zr refractory high-entropy alloy in pure oxygen condition at 500-900 ⁰C. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 25(2023) 5457-5468

[6] Huiting Zheng, Qin Xu, Ruirun Chen*, Gang Qin, Xinzhong Li, Yanqing Su, Jingjie Guo, Hengzhi Fu. Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of directionally solidified CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy. Intermetallics, 119(2020) 106723

[7]  Huiting Zheng*, Yuanhang Jiang, Fei Liu, Haidong Zhao. Microstructure heterogeneity optimization of HPDC Al-Si-Mg-Cu alloys by modifying the characteristic of externally solidified crystals. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 976 (2024) 173167

[8] Huiting Zheng, Ruirun Chen*, Gang Qin et al. Transition of solid-liquid interface and tensile properties of CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloys during directional solidification, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 787 (2019) 1023-1031

[9] Fei Liu, Huiting Zheng*, Yan Zhong, Yuanhang Jiang, Xiang Li, Bo Chen⁎, Haidong Zhao*,Effect of Cu/Mg-containing intermetallics on the mechanical properties of the as-cast HVDC AlSiMgMnCu alloys by SBFSEM at nano-scale, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 926 (2022) 166837

[10] Yuanhang Jiang, Huiting Zheng*, Fei Liu,Haidong Zhao*, Effect of Zn Addition on the Microstructural Heterogeneity and Mechanical Properties of Vacuum‐Assisted HighPressure Die Casting Al–Si–Mg–Cu alloys, Advanced Engineering Materials, 25(2023)1438-1656